Christmas is round the corner, so why not take the opportunity of exam-stress-free weekends to get your friends and family a present? Here are some ideas on what I'd buy/make. ;)
happy hunting!
matching beanies |
gloves |
shower sets |
perfume |
book(s) |
patterned scarves |
phone case |
funy hats |
knitted scarf |
striped socks |
book(s) |
notebook(s) |
phone case |
chocolate eclairs |
Family members
pretty mugs |
cute tape holder |
CD(s) |
coffee |
home-baked short-bread cookies |
home-made gingerbread house |
(All pictures from Google, no copyright infringement intended.)
Of course, nothing beats a big hug or kiss on the cheek! Your friends and family will definitely appreciate you making an effort to spend more time with them, than a big box that cost millions of dollars.
Aggie's Shopping Tips:
- Look in different shops to compare prices.
- Plan your shopping route so you go through the mall ONCE. Longer trips means more temptation ;)
- Check the item to see it isn't broken/ hasn't expired/ colour hasn't faded/ isn't unthreading etc
- Ask yourself if the recipient would like what you're buying for him/her.
Yours truly,
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